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  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-10 13:29|

    类似漫画,第一幅2009"WORD  PRESS  CARTOON" 3rd Prize

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-10-20 13:06 编辑过。

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    # 121楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-10 13:43|

    "TV ENTHOS"国际漫画画册,我的漫画在世漫登载

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-10 14:02 编辑过。

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    # 122楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-10 14:05|

    这些近期的获奖漫画实际都是有类似漫画的 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-17 10:13 编辑过。

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    # 123楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-11 21:11|


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    # 124楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-11 21:12|


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    # 125楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-11 21:12|


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    # 126楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-11 21:13|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-11 21:27 编辑过。

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    # 127楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-11 21:15|


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    # 128楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-14 07:00|

                                  Mohammad Ali Khalaji from  iran
                                  Pol Leurs, from Luxembourg,
                                  Mahmood Nazari from Iran.

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-14 07:02 编辑过。

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    # 129楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-14 19:42|

    XI International Cartoon Contest "Debut", Zielona Gora 2009 - Poland

    SUBJECT: VINE (HARVEST)本届收到46个国家260位漫画家的664 件作品 .

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-14 19:48 编辑过。

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    # 130楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-14 20:01|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-14 20:04 编辑过。

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    # 131楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-14 20:08|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-14 20:09 编辑过。

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    # 132楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-15 11:25|


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    # 133楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-15 15:20|

    国际获奖类似漫画((第1幅:2006 JAPAN 28 YOMOURI  CARTOON  CONTEST)2006年28届读卖新闻漫赛近藤日出造奖:TANABE TAI日本,Ludo Goderis, Belgium获得(第4幅: 2009 International Editorial Cartoon competition  Theme: “Protecting privacy?”)2009年加拿大渥太华第9届国际漫画比赛决赛作品奖),第4幅:,2008年意大利罗马世界幽默艺术博物馆主办"微笑_最好的自我"主题第3名.

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-10-16 12:59 编辑过。

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    # 134楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-19 11:54|

    1st PRIZE
    Lucian Ioan Dobârtă (Lucido) – Bistriţa, Romania

    2nd PRIZE
    Sergiu Grapă – Iaşi, Romania

    3rd PRIZE
    Oleg Goutsol (Ukraine) - Belarus

    -Ex equo-
    Lubomir Kotrha - Slovacia

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    # 135楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-20 16:10|

    4th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest

    主题解释:The word „Integration“ in dictionary means coalescence, cohesion and adaptation. „Assimilation“ contains the meanings of alteration, resembling each other or adjusting oneself. These conseptions which seem as if they are different from each other build the parts of a complement especially in migration countries. Also one of them is the entity reason of the other one.
    Nowadays neither the immigrants can accommodate to the society where they live nor they can live their own ethnic cultures freely. At the process of accommadition to the society of immigrants where live it can be possible that they are assimilated as much they diverge from their own culture also that they become estranged. But the real meaning of „integration“ is to be able to live in a country without losing self-identity. Whatever the ethnic origin of the person, the society accord the right of protection of his ethnic culture and language. Otherwise there is an „assimilation“ in other words „obligatory alteration“.
    In social life „ideal person“ is who embrace the other cultures and folks. Our goal is that the societies do not confuse „adaptation“ and „alteration“ conceptions and that they provide that people maintain their cultures freely. The aim of our cartoon contest is to actualize this synthesis which can not actualize in real terms- through the cartoon art and to convey the required messages to the immigrant countries.
    规则:The Rules of Competition:
    1) The participation in contest is possible only by Internet.
    2) At most three cartoons can be sent..
    3) The participating work may have been published neither with another competition presented nor on any way. With an offence, the deprivation of the achieved prices is the result.
    4) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 300 dpi dissolution and in JPEG format. They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly the same as the colortechnical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment.
    5) The sent cartoons are issued first on the web pages of the “Don Quichotte” under the column “Today”. Thus the work those is excluded the regulation to contradict, promptly from the competition. Thus in the past
    the pretty often experienced unauthorized counterfeit, of a work is avoided.

    时间: 6) Deadline for the participation to the contest: 1 December 2009

    地址:address is:

    7) The jury formed from the cartoonists of the different countries will evaluate the sent cartoons in December. The results will be announced on 15 January.
    8) The prize ceremony will take place in Holland in March 2010. (Place and date of this meeting are communicated at a later time).

    The Prizes:
    - First Prize: € 1,000, 00
    - Second Prize: € 750,00
    - Third Prize: € 500,00
    - Special Prize of “Semih Balcioglu”
    - 10 Mentions
    Preselector Jury Members:
    Erdoğan Karayel
    Hicabi Demirci
    Oğuz Gürel
    Hayati Boyacıoğlu
    Ahmet Aykanat.
    Jury Members:
    Marlene Pohle
    Massoud Shojai
    Marcio Leite
    Marian Avramescu
    Vladimir Kazanevsky
    Valeri Kurtu
    Julian Pena Pai
    Raed Khalil
    Willem Rasing
    Seyran Caferli
    Nezih Danyal
    Eray Özbek
    Firuz Kutal
    Hüseyin Çakmak
    Hicabi Demirci
    Erdoğan Karayel. 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-20 16:15 编辑过。

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    # 136楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-21 15:22|

    近期获得重要奖项的类似作品或曰相同作品(希腊TV ETHNOS之"TV"主题漫赛第4名)

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-21 15:45 编辑过。

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    # 137楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-21 15:25|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-21 15:31 编辑过。

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    # 138楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-22 09:32|

    Competition for 2009 ICC Comic Award

    This year, Competition for ICC Comics Award is being held for the first time. Art works created for the competition by cartoonists and comic artists from around the world will be displayed at the 10th International Comic Artist Conference in Taiwan. The theme for competition is all kinds of contents related with Astronomy and the Universe.

    The year 2009 commemorates the 400th year since Galileo Galilei first used an astronomical telescope to observe the skies, and has been designated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and UNESCO as the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009). As one of the oldest branches of fundamental study, astronomy has had a significant influence on every culture, epitomizing the apex of human intelligence.

    Astronomy has made shining and brilliant advances in recent decades. IYA2009 is a global celebration to remember and celebrate the contributions astronomy has made to society and culture, with the theme ‘The Universe, Yours to Discover.’ Currently, many countries in the world are participating in IYA2009 in a variety of ways. Through these various events, the wonders of the Universe discovered through astronomy can be shared and appreciated by a multitude of people in many different ways.

    Especially in light of the 2009 ICC Comics Competition event, based on the theme of the Universe, this global celebration of astronomy is expected to be enriched through comics and the value of astronomy will be shared from the perspective of comics’ art.


    *. Schedule

    *- Application period: June 15~August 16, 2009
    *- Announcement of winners: October 25, 2009
    *- Exhibition: To be exhibited at the ICC Taiwan venue, October 23~26, 2009
    Online exhibition on ICC Website

    *. Guidelines

    1. Hosted by: ICC Secretariat

    2. Operated by: ICC Secretariat, Taiwan ICC Organizing Committee

    3. Sponsored by: Taipei Comic Artist Labor Union,
    The Korea Cartoonist Association,
    Urimana Association,
    Manga Japan,
    Hong Kong Animation & Comic Association,
    Chinese Cartoon Studies Association,
    Bucheon Cartoon Information Center,
    Korean organizing committee for the International Year of Astronomy 2009

    4. Theme: All contents related with Astronomy and the Universe < refer to www.astronomy2009.org >

    5. Categories of Application Materials:
    - Category 1: One-cut cartoon or illustration
    - Category 2: Comics under 8 pages in length

    6. Size of Application Materials: < jpg, gif, png file only>

    (1) Single cartoon or illustration category
    - Size: A3 (297 x 420mm)
    - Color: free, whether black-and-white or color
    - Resolution: 300dpi or higher

    (2) Comics (under 8 pages) category
    - Size: B4 (180x240 mm)
    - Color: free, whether black-and-white, or color
    - Resolution: 300dpi or higher
    - Note: If work includes dialogue or text, submission of text in English is required.

    7. Eligibility: All cartoonists, illustrators, and comic artists in the world

    8. Application Materials:

    - Copy of artwork and application form
    - Artwork data
    - Application form
    (Downloadable from ICC Website or from Websites of member organizations in various countries)

    - How to submit
    - Online: Apply through ICC website www.intercomicon.org
    - Postal delivery: Mail to ICC Secretariat
    8, Chuneui-dong, Wonmi-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 420-857, South Korea
    Please note:

    1. If using postal delivery, work must be submitted on CD in a graphics file with a resolution over 300dpi. The final appearance of the printed version after submission may differ from artist’s original intention.
    2. Submissions must be in digitized format. Paintings or drawings are not eligible for submission.
    3. Submitted CDs will not be returned.
    Application period: June 15~August 16, 2009 (2009.06.15~2009.08.16)

    *. Judging and Awards

    1. Judging method and criteria
    → 1st Round: Entries will be nominated based on quality of work and potential, among other criteria, by a panel of judges recommended by ICC standing committees.
    → 2nd Round: Awards for first prize, excellence awards, and recognition awards for nominated entries will be selected from among the nominated works by visitors viewing the works, using an on-site voting method during the ICC period at the exhibition venue.

    2. Announcement of results: Announcements will be made at the competition venue on the final day of the ICC competition. Notice of winners will be posted on the ICC Website.

    3. Awards

    Category Prizes and Cash Awards
    or Illustration Category First Prize
    (one) - Trophy
    - Cash award: USD $1000
    Awards of Excellence
    (two) - Trophy
    - Cash award: USD $500
    Nominated entries
    recognition awards - Commemorative book of drawings
    Category First Prize
    (one) - Trophy
    - Cash award: USD $1000
    Awards of Excellence
    (two) - Trophy
    - Cash award: USD $500
    Nominated entries
    recognition awards - Commemorative book of drawings

    4. Award presentation and exhibition
    - Exhibition period: October 23~26, 2009
    - Venue: Taiwan ICC contest venue
    - Exhibition content: Works nominated from submissions and invitational works
    - Award announcement: Competition closing ceremony on October 25, 2009
    If awardees are not present at the ceremony, they will be notified and presented with their award at a later time.

    5. Reminder
    - Although all rights for works submitted belong to artists, ICC reserves the right to reproduce prize-winning works on the ICC Website and for projects and pertinent promotions of ICC.
    - The ICC Secretariat is not responsible for any loss or damages that may be suffered by submitted works, in cases where works and applications are submitted by mail.
    - If the work of any prize recipient proves to be stolen or plagiarized, the winner will be disqualified, the award must be rescinded, and the cash prize returned.

    Webpage : www.intercomicon.org
    Email : icc@kcomics.net

    Address: ICC Secretariat 8, Chuneui-dong, Wonmi-gu,
    Bucheon-shi, Kyonggi Province, 420-857, South Korea
    Office: 82-(0)32-650-0561 / 82-(0)32-650-0563

    entry form:

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    # 139楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-22 09:34|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-25 18:52 编辑过。

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    # 140楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-24 10:04|

    获奖名单:The results Dicaco -2009 International Cartoon Contest

    Grand Prize

    Ernest Metz / BELGIUM

    Gold Prize:

    Hafiz Nesiroglu /AZERBAIJAN

    Silver Prize:

    Ji Huyn-Gon / KOREA
    Zhang Sheng Bo / CHINA

    Bronze Prize:

    Nsm Myung-Rae / KOREA
    Vlado Volas / SERBIA
    Masahumi Kikuchi / JAPAN

    Mohammad R.Baaei / IRAN

    Special Prize:

    Constantin Ciosu / ROMANIA
    Seyran Caferli/ AZERBAIJAN
    Javad Takjoo / IRAN

    일반부<Korean Winners>
    이유나 입선
    노슬기 wendy51@naver.com 입선
    임성훈 입선
    강민범 kkoria@nate.com 입선
    오유미 입선
    이세훈 iamec@naver.com 입선
    전지현 loyloy33@naver.com 입선
    김흥수 baechoo59@naver.com 입선
    강지수 입선
    정보근 입선
    오세창 입선
    유정열 입선
    박상범 입선
    최선주 입선
    이정우 bluejungwoo@naver.com 입선
    김선영 입선
    김소라 입선
    김미정 milunar88@naver.com 입선
    홍애나 llglglgll@naver.com 입선
    박상갑 smilepsg@naver.com 입선
    윤성인 bangdroo@naver.com 입선
    성학수 manga0226@hanmail.net 입선
    이미라 lmn3224@hanmail.net 입선
    조한울 입선
    신현경 gmrshinx@nate.com 입선
    이건희 viper6j05@naver.com 입선
    곽효준 입선
    전윤미 입선
    박주경 입선
    장혜인 입선
    정영준 dolip0307@naver.com 입선
    홍성호 hariway@naver.com 입선
    박성미 noonssup04@hanmail.net 입선
    차지훈 입선
    김승빈 우수상
    김 건 우수상
    이 호 우수상
    남명래 myunglaenam@naver.com 동상
    지현곤 은상
    김준형 입선
    이민수 입선

    학생부(Korean Student Winners)
    이다영 한국애니메이션고2년 kate771@naver.com 특선
    김태연 한국애니메이션고1년 rlaxodus93@naver.com 입선
    박성재 보성고등학교 특선
    엄세윤 재현고등학교 특선
    장혜인 한국애니메이션고2년 2169gas@naver.com 최우수상(교육감상)
    김지혜 한국애니메이션고3년 cjstkddps@naver.com 특선
    손은지 한국애니메이션고1년 aattaatt@naver.com 입선
    안세하 구정고등학교 입선
    정우준 대전배울초5학년 특선
    이우미 청주여구2년 입선
    최장윤 충북인터넷고2년 loveherr@naver.com 특선
    정나은 일신여고 입선
    조한나 한국애니메이션고1년 hanna2010@naver.com 입선
    김영균 한국애니메니션고2년 kanw1009@naver.com 입선
    최지현 한국애니메니션고1년 chlwlgus93@naver.com 입선
    제갈진옥 한국애니고1년 xian2325@naver.com 입선
    박소연 한국애니메이션고1년 napinqqad@naver.com 입선
    민지연 매포중 입선
    지혜린 한국교원대부설이호중 입선
    박효선 매포중 입선
    채선민 대전관평중1년 rhdwn5255@hanmail.net 입선
    노효진 대전동화중3년 입선
    윤지아 한국애니메이션고1년 입선
    이소연 대전신일여고 입선
    박미숙 포항동지여자고 입선
    김효민 광문고등학교 입선
    정유정 한국애니메이션고2년 yujeong-92@naver.com 특선
    심수정 이대부속고3년 입선
    정선영 낙동고3년 jsy4451@hanmail.net 입선
    조수영 충남애니메이션고3년 입선
    방문정 성남고3년 bmj-1012@naver.com 특선
    김아름 성일여자고등학교3년 dosobic@naver.com 특선

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-24 10:23 编辑过。

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    # 141楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-24 17:09|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-24 17:19 编辑过。

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    # 142楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-25 12:34|

    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-25 12:45 编辑过。

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    # 143楼

  • kuboshi发表于2009-07-25 12:52|


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    # 144楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-25 14:36|

    地址:ADDRESS:参照原文 本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-25 17:00 编辑过。

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    # 145楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-27 14:43|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-27 17:01 编辑过。

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    # 146楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-27 17:03|


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    # 147楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-30 12:11|

    - Delcho Mihajlov (Macedonia)
    - Szczepan Sadurski (Poland)
    - Alberto Da Costa - Amorim (Brazil)
    - Ivan Hanousek (Czech)
    - Omar Zevallos Velarde (Peru)

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    # 148楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-30 12:15|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-30 12:18 编辑过。

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    # 149楼

  • guwanfa发表于2009-07-30 12:33|


    本贴最后由 guwanfa 于 2009-07-30 14:02 编辑过。

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    # 150楼




